NEWSCurrent information about CDA IT Systems
CDA at the Training Tour 2024 in Backnang: Be there!
We are taking part in the 2024 training tour in Backnang again this year!
On October 10, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., we will open our doors and invite you to take an exciting look behind the scenes.
Discover our innovative working world and find out how you can become part of our team!
As part of the training tour, we will inform you about our current training opportunities:
- Apprenticeship as an IT specialist (m/f/d) for application development
- Dual study program Bachelor of Science (m/f/d) Computer Science
Take the opportunity to get to know us personally, ask your questions and gain valuable insights into your possible career paths with us.
We look forward to welcoming you to our company!
Successful completion of our trainees in 2024
Nathaly Seibold und Alexander Zatti haben im Juli ihre Prüfungen als Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung erfolgreich absolviert und mit sehr guten Ergebnissen bestanden! Wir sind unglaublich stolz auf unsere beiden Azubis und gratulieren ihnen herzlich zu diesem tollen Erfolg.
Als Arbeitgeber legen wir großen Wert darauf, unsere Nachwuchskräfte optimal zu fördern und zu unterstützen. Umso mehr freut es uns, dass Nathaly und Alexander sich nach ihrer Ausbildung dazu entschieden haben, weiterhin Teil unseres Teams zu bleiben.
Wir heißen sie herzlich willkommen in unserem Team und freuen uns auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit.
The CDA family mourns their founder and senior executive, Dr. Walter Stopp
We mourn the loss of our company founder and senior executive,
Dr. Walter Stopp
Passed away on 29.10.2023
Over 40 years ago, he founded CDA with his wife Anne Stopp and led it successfully for many decades.
As a pioneer in computer technology, he tirelessly drove the development of our company with personal dedication, great foresight, and determination. With his passing, we lose a personality and father figure who served as an inspiration to us all. He was respected and cherished by everyone for his humaneness and expertise.
His passing fills us with profound sorrow. The CDA family will always hold him in honorable remembrance.
In quiet remembrance,
The management
along with all the employees
of CDA IT Systems GmbH
CDA is part of the Training Tour 2023 in Backnang!
On October 26 between 2:00 and 7:00 p.m., we will open our doors to you and cordially invite you to take a look behind the scenes and get to know our fascinating world of innovations.
We will also inform you about our training opportunities:
- Apprenticeship as IT Specialist (m/f/d) for Application Development
- Dual study Bachelor of Science (m/f/d) in computer science
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Registration for the training tour:
CDA IT Systems set up new business division "Digital Transformation".
October, 2023
CDA IT Systems is pleased to announce the establishment of the new business area "Digital Transformation". In this area, the focus is on developing innovative digital solutions that help businesses and public sector clients to operate successfully in the ever-changing digital landscape.
The first project in this exciting area is the "Gesellen-Prüfungs-Assistent" (GEPA). This groundbreaking software was developed specifically to optimise and simplify the process of journeyman examinations.
With GEPA, those responsible for examinations and examination boards have a powerful tool at their fingertips to efficiently organise the entire examination process.
The CDA IT Systems team, led by Matthias Hesser, has extensive expertise in the field of software development and brings a high level of knowledge and commitment to the upcoming projects.
Our passion for innovation and our ability to tackle complex challenges make us a strong partner in this emerging field.
Successful participation in the company run in Ludwigsburg!
27 September 2023
Our 5-member CDA running team successfully participated in the company run in Ludwigsburg on 27 September 2023.
The historic course around the Ludwigsburg Residence Palace was mastered by our team with aplomb.
We are proud of our runners and look forward to upcoming challenges!
CDA releases updates to MailSuite for ICS2
With the new ICS2 (Import Control System 2) updates in MailSuite, CDA now offers:
- a complete system and process best practices to enable Airmail Carriers to fully comply with ICS2 requirements.
- Support single step scanning and compliance check at Receptacle level.
- Forwarding of Airmail information in Cargo formats to leverage the existing cargo messaging interfaces to customs.
The conception and the design of this solution allows:
- Flexibility to accommodate and adapt to changes and additional requirements related to ICS2 and the process requirements of the carrier.
- Integration for similar future initiatives from other countries e.g. US STOP Act.
Successful completion of apprenticeship exams by our trainees!
Jana Schwarz and Mehmet Güdül successfully completed their exams as specialized IT professionals in application development in January and passed with excellent grades! We are incredibly proud of our two trainees and warmly congratulate them on this great achievement.
As an employer, it is particularly important to us to promote and support our young talents as best as possible. Therefore, we are very pleased that Jana and Mehmet have decided to stay with our company after completing their training.
How to promote innovation?
that was the motto of our 40th anniversary event to which we invited regional company representatives.
After the greetings from the city of Backnang, we reviewed the development of the last 4 decades and posed the question "how can innovation be promoted?"
We then answered this question together with our innovation partner bwcon. Among the topics to be considered here are:
- How can we help our employees implement their ideas?
- How can we design our processes to encourage innovation?
We asked our guests to write down topics on a beer mat that they had long wanted to address in their company. Immediately, lively discussions arose at the tables about how these tasks could be implemented. The stimulating conversations continued in a cozy atmosphere with finger food and drinks, and it was interesting to see what ideas our guests had.
We can also celebrate! 40 years CDA IT Systems GmbH!
On Saturday, 08.10.2022, we celebrated our 40th anniversary with our employees at Lichtenberg Castle. After the common lunch we had fun with medieval games like archery, boar hunt, "joust" with pillows and horseshoe throwing.
In addition, we had the opportunity to learn exciting stories about the never destroyed high castle during the castle tour.
And we continue to celebrate!
To celebrate our anniversary, we are also organizing an event with Backnang companies on our premises on 26.10.2022 with the theme "How to promote innovation?"!
Night of education on 19.10.2022 in Backnang
Find out about our training opportunities:
- Apprenticeship as IT Specialist (m/f/d) for Application Development
- Dual study Bachelor of Science (m/f/d) computer science
CDA IT Systems was at the Backnanger Wirtschaftsgespräche - as sponsor and also live
After a short keynote speech by sustainability expert Christian Berg, the discussion then turned to the question of what contribution local companies can make on the ground to stop the rampant consumption of resources.
Innovation workshop with bwcon GmbH
On 20.05.2022, our employees gathered for an innovation workshop in Rietenau, where they were able to learn about and try out innovation methods. The day was totally fun for all of us. It was great to see how many ideas came together and we are excited to see which of these will be implemented in the future.
CDA was certified with the award and recognition for outstanding training performance in the training profession of IT specialist
For many years, CDA IT Systems GmbH has successfully relied on training in the occupational profile of IT specialist.
This strategy is consistently pursued, especially in view of the existing shortage of skilled workers.
And to our great pleasure, CDA IT Systems GmbH can once again look forward to two outstanding examination participants in the IHK final examinations in 2021.
The Stuttgart Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) has certified the CDA with the award and recognition for outstanding training performance in the training profession of IT specialist (specialization: application development).
We are proud of the special achievements of Tomas Jakob and another trainee with a very good degree, because excellently trained specialists contribute significantly to the economic success of a company.
We congratulate the graduates
CDA IT Systems GmbH has trained Tomas Jakob, the state's best 2021 IT specialist (specialization: application development). In addition, the second trainee has passed his final examination with "very good". Both are among the best in their profession in the graduating class of 2021.
The management and all colleagues of the CDA are pleased about this outstanding achievement and congratulate the graduates!
Active recreation secures labour!
"A pleasant working atmosphere is very important to the software company CDA IT Systems."
A special publication of the Backnanger Kreiszeitung was published on February 2, 2019.
Our employee Leandra Sommer wins three medals!
"Summer trumps - Three medals at the World Kickboxing Championships".
CDA takes part in "bike and work 2019"
"By bike to work"
CDA participates in the project "bike and work 2019-2022" offered by the district office.
Employees who come to work by bicycle are supported by CDA with underground parking spaces, e-bike loading facilities, changing rooms and showers!
Read more in the article from 30 October 2018 in the Rems-Murr Rundschau: "Bicycles are worth it for everyone".
CDA runners participate in company run in Ludwigsburg
On 25 September the CDA runners took part in the inter-company run in Ludwigsburg. This event is held at a historical site. The course starts from the Residenzschloss, through the Blühende Barock, around the Favoritenpark and back to the Palace.
CDA IT-Systems in public eye at the job fair „Fokus Beruf“
More than 7500 pupils and visitors from Backnang and vicinity took the chance on the 2nd and 3d of March to gain insights of various professions at the job fair „Fokus Beruf“. All in all 630 professions and study programs were on show.
CDA presented and explained the opportunity of dooing an apprenticeship in information technology or study IT. Those interested could get information straight from the horses’ mouth about our jobs and what we do.
The effort proved worth it. Even though we have been successfully training people in this profession since 2003, we outlined the benefits of learning and working at CDA so well, that a number of people were motivated to directly apply to CDA.
CDA MailSuite
Since the 2nd half of 2017, CDA MailSuite is in use at AirFrance KLM for its airmail business.
MailSuite covers the entire gamut of activities right from planning by integrating capacity & CARDIT information and all the way up to invoicing of the mail transports and reporting to the financial systems.
At the foundation level, MailAgent supports the ground handling activities at Amsterdam Schiphol and Charles de Gaulle / Orly hub and many airports across the world. As a backbone, MailSystem supports operational monitoring, tracking and messaging activities across the entire network. MailAccounting provides contract data management and the invoicing functions. The detailed data from the entire chain is available for reporting and analytics.
Recertification audit 2017
After 3 years, in September 2017, the recertification was due. In preparation of this, we switched our quality management system to the new norm version DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The audit, carried out by TÜV Rheinland and based on this new norm, was successfully passed. For us, this is an incentive to continue improving our quality and workflows.
CDA runners participate in company run in Ludwigsburg
On 27 September the CDA runners took part in the inter-company run in Ludwigsburg. This event is held at a historical site. The course starts from the Residenzschloss, through the Blühende Barock, around the Favoritenpark and back to the Palace. CDA Team was among the 400 teams at the start. Our team enjoyed running in the warm late summer evening.
Customer Workshop
“How can we get still better in our work?”
Inspect and adapt and additional questions ranging from current UPU, IPC and technical standards innovations to shared further developments and optimizations were discussed at this year’s customer workshop for postal companies.
On 2 days this wide range of content have been treated at Backnang in a focused and productive spirit. Not to mention also having fun and sharing a fine atmosphere of openness.
The great interest of our visitors confirmed us in our effort: “an open und straightforward vibe” and “it has been worthwhile”.
We thank our customers for the active workshop and are looking forward to next year.
Bend it like CDA
CDA’s football team participated successfully in a local company football tournament in Aspach.
It was played not only for a good cause but also for fun and with a high entertainment value.
Therefore also the accompanying fans really enjoyed themselves.
The course for the future has been set – a new managing director at CDA IT Systems GmbH
Mr. Markus Sager has been on board since 1st February and was appointed as a managing director on the 21st of April 2016 with a view to strengthening the management of CDA.
After already taking the first step in our expansion strategy for future growth by appointing Ms. Christine Stopp as a managing director, we have now made this further move towards reinforcing the management team at CDA. This step has been taken with a long-term view towards the future growth and development of the company.
We are delighted to have Mr. Sager as a leading figure, bringing with him more than 20 years of experience in the software industry.
In welcoming Mr. Sager to his new position, we kindly request your continued support as you place your trust in him and in our company.
Airmail Security solution for the CDA -MailSuite ready to be supplied
The security screening information can be imported from CARDIT-messages , entered from paper documents (Consignment Security Declaration – CSD) or configured as local screening method. From the very first scan of a post receptacle its security status will be known throughout the system. CSD documents can be generated at any time at various aggregation levels (receptacle, consignment, flight).
PeP analysis system now available as a web based application!
The PeP-Manager application is now also available is a web-based solution. The system can now also be operated with the Oracle 12 database and in the new version the automatic scanning processes also run with Windows Server 2012.
CDA is investing in IT infrastructure and IT security
CDA has completely overhauled the complete IT infrastructure in collaboration with an external service provider in order to safeguard administration, support and development activities. This huge project covered the entire IT landscape including servers, storage, network technology and IT security.
Using latest generation technology, CDA is now ideally equipped to meet IT requirements and security challenges of the future.
ILPost supports INTERCONNECT for letters, parcels and EMS to advance the rapidly expanding e-commerce market. It has been introduced at all levels of production through to billing and exchange of messages.
The extensions are already being successfully used at our customers. As always at CDA IT Systems, when introducing this new technology we take account of our customers' specific requirements and wishes to ensure that the new product dovetails seamlessly into our customers' processes.
CDA-MailAgent now productive on Oracle 12c
In June 2016 MailAgent went live on Oracle 12c with the very first customer.
New functions in the EmbargoAgent system
The EmbargoAgent now offers even greater security owing to the improved algorithm which takes account of similarities to sanction list entries. The system supports Oracle Version 12 as database and in the new version the automatic scanning processes now also run with Windows Server 2012.
ILPost is now supporting ITMATT exchange
For the exchange of item and customs information the UPU introduced the M33 standard. With it the postal operators can inform each other about items before they are actually shipped. In addition to the cost savings from reduced manual work for registering item attribute data, the new standard also supports new security processes and regulations. With the latest ILPost version our customers have the ability to send and receive ITMATT messages.
Large attendance at the Customer Workshop for postal companies
Like every year our Customer Workshop for postal companies took place beginning of November. With 20 participants, this year's participation was particularly high. The workshop has established itself as a valuable platform for the postal operators to discuss the latest postal innovations with our CDA experts.
This year, among others, important issues such as ITMATT, Interconnect and new UPU standards were raised and discussed during the workshop.
We thank the participants for the interesting and active workshop and are looking forward to next year to welcome our customers back in Backnang.
Airmail Security Meeting at CDA in Backnang
Many of our customers were in Backnang in end of July 2015 to discuss about Airmail Security. An entire day was devoted to the discussion of the process and requirements. One important outcome was need of an electronic message format for the exchange of security screening information between the participants.
CDA teams participate in local sporting events
This September we were able to establish a football team for the first time and to participate successfully in the company football tournament in Aspach.
As in the past years, our running group started once again at the 4th AOK Company Run in Ludwigsburg on 23rd September - that's one of the nicest business runs with a historical backdrop, the "blühende Barock".
To enjoy the sport and the joint activity is our main motivation.
Quality Management Audit 2015 – CDA ISO 9001 certified since last 10 years.
The eleventh quality management systems audit as per ISO9001:2008 by TÜV Rheinland was passed. CDA is certified since last 10 years. A reason enough to continuously improve the quality and the processes.
The city of Backnang has changed our street name!
Due to an urban development action our street name has been changed!
The new name is „Friedrich-Stroh-Straße 7“ (formerly Blumenstraße 18).
From the first of March please use the new address.
Swissport - CDG has gone operational with the CDA-MailAgent
Since August 2014 Swissport at CDG uses the software CDA-MailAgent for handling, messaging and monitoring airmail. With the MailAgent Swissport-CDG takes part at the electronic messaging (CARDIT / RESDIT). Naturally this complies with the latest UPU-standards. All the data is available for track and trace, further analyses and can be sent in MLD format to the airlines.
Successful ILPost usergroup workshop
Successful ILPost usergroup workshop in Backnang (18. und 19.11.2014)!
Many thanks to all the participants for their active attendance.
CDA's quality management system was successfully audited
CDA's quality management system was successfully audited as per ISO 9001:2008 by TÜV Rheinland in September 2014 . Our QM-System has entered its tenth year of certification and will continue to improve our processes.
ILPost Accounting
ILPost now supports the e09. With the electronic exchange of IBRS accounting data the next step in eAccounting is done.
The new Delocalization Clause treaty is now available in ILPost Accounting.
EmbargoAgent-Onlineservice, new features
EmbargoAgent Onlineservice provides more security and new features:
- save comments and decisions to your cases
- free text scan
- apply goodguys to your whitelist with one klick
New working partnership with SFS / Group WFS
CDA IT Systems is delighted to announce the start of a new working partnership with SFS/ Group WFS, for the station Orly (France), a leader in Airport Services.
UPU Kongress in Doha
The latest Universal Postal Convention rules are now supported by ILPost.
Many thanks to all the participants for their active participation, productive discussions and a congenial atmosphere.
DHBW students
In October 2013 once again, CDA worked with two students for their vocational training as part of their Bachelor’s degree majoring in IT from DHBW.
CDA's quality management system was successfully audited
CDA's quality management system was successfully audited as per ISO 9001:2008 by TÜV Rheinland in October 2013.
Our QM-System has entered its ninth year of certification and will continue to improve our processes.